The Slog
by John Ward
by John Ward
Smacking fashionistas with red meat is wrong, a new study
Friday dawns to give us another of those days when – for
me – the chief debate remains, “Is the media-financial-celebrity complex mad or
cunning or both?”
In Atlantic magazine, Stephen Fried, the bloke
who allegedly came up the word ‘fashionista’, has apologised for creating a
‘word of terrifying power and controversy’. Until he turned guilty, I hadn’t
noticed. Mr Fried will not be writing much in the near future as he requires
complex ‘inside-out’ surgery after going up himself.
A study has ‘found’ that smacking does children no harm
as long as they know it is for the right reasons and feel loved. The report
(published in the journal Parenting: Science and Practice) ‘found’ that
the painful effects of harsh discipline – such as verbal threats or spanking –
are offset by the child’s feeling of being loved.
Nothing has been ‘found’ here beyond a small sliver of
common sense that fell behind the sofa cushions thirty years ago.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron is being urged to move on
from modernisation of the Conservative Party and emulate Thatcher by offering
“red meat” policies. Accordingly, next week the entire Cabinet will move onto a
strict diet of steak tartare, and Chancellor George Osborne is to begin a
concerted programme of throwing calves at bond traders, in order to distract
them from Britain’s dearth of food, exports, viable banks, jobs and economic
strategy. All backbenchers asking questions about the Government’s crackdown on
underclass families will be eaten by Eric Pickles, and the ground bones
exported to China ready for repackaging as virility tonics. “Sales of white
powder are already doing well in Shanghai,” Lord Green commented, “and this new
addition to our Chinese Walls brand will at least halve the national
debt by 2002″.
Canadian banker Mark Carney, the incoming Bank of England
Governor, has described the UK as a “crisis economy”, admitting in turn that
the Relief of Mafeking should not be taken as a sign that the worst is now over
for Britain. Mr Carney sought to play down hopes that he could ride to the
country’s rescue, instead claiming, “Look, I’m just here to convince the
markets that we’re doing something. Actually I intend to work pretty hard on my
golf handicap”. He added that “until the Pound is worth three Congolese lira,
we won’t export anything much beyond undiluted fear. Frankly kiddo, you can
kiss yer ass goodbye. Say, can we go again on that question?”
Across the water, Cyprus has ‘stunned’ EU officials by
ordering a vote in its parliament on the terms of the EU-IMF Troika bailout for
the country. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades told reporters, “We tried
tear gas on the Troika but they didn’t cry, so we brought in some Met Police
rubber-bullet launchers and that did the trick. We think they are now paying
attention, but if there’s any doubt we shall not hesitate to strap them into
seats and play 24/7 loops of Herman van Rompuy’s poetry”.
Stunned into action in due course at the next meeting of
the FinMins in October, Troika officials were then dealt a devastating blow
when President Alenka Bratušek confirmed that Slovenia is not Cyprus. “This is
most irregular,” said EC joint President José Manuel Barroso, “We thought
Slovenia was a suburb of Nicosia, but in fact that place is called Kaimaki. It
is a mistake anyone could make”. Ms Bratušek said that her country could manage
perfectly well without the Troika, and would definitely not be needing a
bailout. Until the money runs out, and then it will, but that is an infinity
away and there is nothing at all to worry about.
Closer to home – but of course absolutely nowhere near
Westminster, the Houses of Parliament, David Cameron or Nick Clegg, his Dad and
Leon Brittan – the BBC has finally splashed the news that entertainer Rolf
Harris is under suspicion of sex offences allegedly committed before Margaret
Thatcher was born, but probably not in the period since her death. Everyone
else knew this last November. The BBC has yet to confirm the venue for Baroness
Thatcher’s funeral, but a spokesman told The Slog, “Rest assured that we shall
leave every stone unturned in our bid to help Parliament distract Britain from
the 24/7 care-home child buggery that went on in Elm House Barnes from 1391
until 1998″.
And finally, a snippet from south-eastern Europe. When
the Troika comes to Athens, its representatives stay at The Hilton. A single
room there costs €320.22 per night. The average for smart hotels in the city is
The Slog is in Athens, talking to opinion leaders. Stay
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